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Saxon Monument Preservation Award 2024 for FHP Student Toni Lorenz and Paul Lorenz Craft Business

Toni Lorenz mit seinen Eltern bei der Preisverleihung Sächsischen Denkmalpflegepreis 2024
Toni Lorenz mit seinen Eltern bei der Preisverleihung Sächsischen Denkmalpflegepreis 2024 © Robert Werner

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is delighted that its student Toni Lorenz (4th semester MA Conservation and Restauration) has been honoured with this exceptional recognition. Together with his father's company, the Paul Lorenz craft business from Chemnitz, he was honoured with the prestigious Saxon Monument Conservation Award 2024. The first prize honours the extraordinary restoration and reconstruction of the magnificent mirrors from 1719 in the parade rooms of the Dresden Residential Palace.

Mirror, mirror – a milestone in the preservation of historical monuments
The elaborate work, which was carried out under the direction of Mario Lorenz, owner of the craft business, is a testament to the highest level of precision craftsmanship and artistic skill. Toni Lorenz played a key role in the restoration and used both modern and traditional techniques to restore the filigree mouldings of the mirrors to their historical splendour.
Toni Lorenz was entrusted with the following restoration tasks, among others:

  • the processing of the raw casting,
  • the production of individual tools and grinding moulds,
  • an elaborate picture casting chisel for contouring and detail enhancement,
  • pressure and fine polishing,
  • as well as the preparation and final finishing with 24-carat fire gilding.

Together with workshop foreman Frank Neubert, Toni Lorenz realised these challenges with great dedication. In her laudatory speech, State Secretary Barbara Meyer emphasised the central role of the skilled trades in heritage conservation: "Skilled trades businesses are the true guardians of our cultural heritage. The achievements of the award winners are an impressive testimony to expertise, skill and passion."
Promoting young talent and expertise
Winning this high-calibre award not only underlines the importance of craftsmanship expertise for the preservation of historical monuments, but also the quality of training at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Toni Lorenz is an example of how academic teaching and practical experience can be successfully combined to preserve our cultural heritage.