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Press release

Visualisation & Open Data: The Degree Programme Interface Design presents itself at the Potsdam Science Day

Keyvisual Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2024

On the 4th of May 2024, the Potsdam Science Day will take place on the Telegrafenberg in the Albert Einstein Science Park. Over 30 universities, schools and research institutions in Brandenburg will present their day-to-day work beyond the walls of their institutes.

For the 11th time, Potsdam's Science Day will be a colourful science festival for the whole family. This year's hosts are the research institutes of the "Albert Einstein" Science Park on Telegrafenberg. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) will be showcasing exhibits from the Interface Design degree programme in the FHP Mobil. The FHP is also represented with its joint project "InNoWest – Einfach machen! Gemeinsam nachhaltig und digital in Nord-West-Brandenburg" at the research camp.

Exhibition of visualisation & open data projects
The exhibition in the FHP Mobil shows various projects that were created in the Interfacedesign degree programme: Open data from the state of Brandenburg was visualised in the course "Data Embroidery", led by Prof. Constanze Langer and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier, using embroidery machines and 3D printing. One exhibit artistically depicts the changes in groundwater levels in Brandenburg. Another project invites viewers to study the election results of the districts in detail, over time and from a distance.

In the Urban Complexity Lab, physical and digital climate postcards were created in cooperation with taz and under the direction of Prof. Dr. Marian Dörk. They show climate protection aspects of Germany for each district and federal state in the areas of energy, mobility, buildings, agriculture and waste.

A short video offers an insight into further employment opportunities for interface designers and shows the diverse world of digital design.

About the degree programme
The innovative Interfacedesign degree programme combines user experience (UX) with user interface design (UI) and a lot of creativity! Digital devices and systems can only be accessed via the interface. The interface makes abstract processes tangible. Interfaces provide information and make it possible to control a wide range of processes. How interfaces look, how they are organised, how they are operated, what information is displayed, what scope for action is offered to the user – all this is decided by interface designers.

This year, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is also represented by the joint project InNoWest. The three Brandenburg universities, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (THB) and  University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP), are combining their expertise and supporting the sustainable development of the North-West Brandenburg region. Together with regional practitioners, scientists are implementing various pilot projects on the topics of "user-centred digitalisation", "climate-friendly restructuring" and "shaping society" .
The InNoWest teams have prepared exciting programme items for adults and children for Potsdam Science Day: From role-playing games and laser scanning data to the tree population on Telegrafenberg and information about renovation and conversion, there is a lot to discover. 

When: 04/05/2024, 1 – 7 pm
Where: Science Park "Albert Einstein"
14473 Potsdam

The FHP Mobil and the joint project InNoWest can be found in Research Camp A (opposite House H). Admission is free of charge.

Further information:

To the programme: