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Press release

Launch of the Event Series "Living Building Culture and Climate Protection"

"Baukultur & Klimaschutz - Avantgarde zu Um- und Weiterbau"; im Hintergrund ein Kornversuchsspeicher
© Architektur: Kornversuchsspeicher: AFF Architekten, Foto: Tjark Spille

"Baukultur-Dialog – Baukultur und Klimaschutz leben" is a three-part series of events as part of the Building Culture Year Brandenburg 2023. It is embedded in the profile line Design–Build–Preserve of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and takes place in cooperation with Kulturland Brandenburg, the Förderverein Baukultur Brandenburg, the Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin Brandenburg, the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers Brandenburg. Current and upcoming changes in building culture in the context of climate protection will be discussed. The kick-off event "Against the throwaway society", on the 17th of May 2023 in the FH's theatre workshop and via livestream, will focus on the reuse of building materials, buildings and urban structures as an essential aspect of sustainable construction.


For decades, building legislation, the construction industry and vocational training have primarily focussed on new buildings. However, in view of the high consumption of energy and land, climate-damaging emissions and the huge volume of waste, a reorientation is unavoidable. Instead of demolition and new construction, the focus is shifting to repair, conversion and further construction, the rediscovery of resource-saving building materials and construction techniques and the densification of our city and village centres. In order to provide scientific support for these necessary developments, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has founded the profile line Design•Build•Preserve. The profile line's dialogue on building culture uses keynote speeches and practical examples to ask the following questions together with guests from politics, construction practice, academia and students: Where do funding programmes and building laws need to be adapted so that a new culture of continued building can emerge? What innovations are needed to transform the construction industry? And what can we do in university teaching to accelerate a transformation?


Against the throwaway society – Avant-garde for repairing, remodelling and rebuilding

Even in ancient times, the reuse of building materials, buildings and urban structures was part of the basic understanding of all builders and has formed a foundation of building culture ever since. However, the modern consumer society has ushered in a fundamental change of attitude in the construction industry. In view of the climate crisis, repair, conversion and rebuilding are once again coming into focus, which is why we are asking ourselves: Where do legislation and standardisation urgently need to be adapted so that the reuse of building materials and conversion become the norm in the future? Where is exemplary remodelling and rebuilding already taking place in Brandenburg? What are the opportunities and limitations of building in and with existing buildings? And what can we do in university teaching to prepare our graduates for the changes in the construction industry?

When: Wednesday, 17th of May 2023, 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm followed by an aperitif
Where: Theatre workshop in the main building of the University of Applied Sciences
Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469 Potsdam
and in the livestream

Registration is required.

Information, programme and livestream:


Moderation: Rudolf Spindler and Hannah Höpfner

Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, President of the FH Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Markus Tubbesing, Vice Dean for Research in the Department of City | Building | Culture

Perspectives of monument preservation on the circular economy: Reconstruction and refurbishment of the historic town hall in Goslar
Dr. Jens Birnbaum, architect, Krekeler Architekten Generalplaner GmbH

The castle – New construction and conversion of a WBS 70 in Luckenwalde
Nicole Braune, architect, Luckenwalde municipal housing association

Student projects at the FH Potsdam
Wejdan Almhamed & Carolin Reckmann, Immanuel Kasper and Jonas Zeidler

Sophienstraße 32-33: Conversion and extension of a residential and garden building in the Spandauer Vorstadt neighbourhood
Thomas Albrecht, Hilmer & Sattler und Albrecht Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH

Closing remarks
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Bess and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Röder


2nd Building Culture Dialogue: Passing on building culture -– Rediscovering lost building knowledge and revitalising dying craftsmanship
31st of May 2023, 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm

3rd building culture dialogue: Creating liveable centres - the backbone of an environmentally friendly building culture
14th of June 2023, 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm

The Baukultur Dialogues take place in cooperation with Kulturland Brandenburg, the Förderverein Baukultur Brandenburg, the Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin-Brandenburg, the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers.