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Application Start for the "Aufstiegsstipendium – die Studienförderung für Berufserfahrene"

Study & Teaching

The scholarship programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports skilled workers with vocational training and several years of practical experience in their first academic degree course.

Around 1,000 students with professional and practical experience at over 300 universities are supported each year by the advancement scholarship – the study grant for experienced professionals. Prospective and current students can apply for a scholarship from now until the 9th of June 2025 .

Full-time students receive a monthly grant of 992 euros plus 80 euros book allowance (i.e. a total of 1,072 euros). For part-time students, the funding amounts to 3,045 euros per calendar year. The benefits are a lump sum and independent of income.

Applications can be made before the start of the course and up to the end of the second semester. There is no age limit for applications.

Information material and application counselling

If you have any questions about your application, the application counselling team will be happy to help you - by email( or by telephone on 0228/62931-43 or -51.

Contact us

Student Financing

Room 3.02a