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Workshop on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

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The workshop with expert Daniel Fischbach introduces participants to the concept of ESD, which aims to empower people to think and act in a sustainable way.

"ESD enables all people to understand the impact of their own actions on the world and to make responsible, sustainable decisions." (ESD portal website)

The workshop introduces students to the concept of Education for Sustainable Development, which provides a holistic and transformative education that considers learning content and outcomes as well as pedagogy and the learning environment. Participants learn how to create successful ESD in a business environment and empower others to think and act in a sustainable way.

Participants will look at the historical roots of ESD, establish links to well-known pedagogical approaches and work out the significance of ESD for the Great Transformation of society. In addition, the didactic foundations of ESD and the institutional framework conditions for Brandenburg are examined in detail.

On this basis, small teams will develop educational approaches for their own professional topic, obtain feedback and familiarise themselves with best-practice examples from Brandenburg and Berlin.

The event is a free offer of the certificate programme "Perspectives on Sustainability" certificate programme from Work@Heart certificate programme and will be held online via Zoom. The workshop is primarily aimed at participants of the certificate programme, but free places can be filled externally. Upon successful participation, participants will receive a meaningful certificate or confirmation of participation.

Enquiries and registration via e-mail to

Target audience: University members Students

20/06/2025, 10.00 am – 4.00 pm

The Zoom link will be sent after successful registration.

Location: Online
Room: via Zoom


ZEGM – Start-up and Management Qualification Unit

Room 3.01
Administration and project controlling Work@heart
Coordination Germany Scholarship