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Semester abroad at the Politecnico di Milano - Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism

In the following, a student of the Architecture and Urban Design (B.A.) programme reports on his semester abroad at the partner university Politecnico di Milano in the winter semester 2022/23.

Politecnico di Milano

Field report

The decision

My reason for going abroad was that I wanted to learn new languages, get to know new cultures, learn different ways of teaching and organising my subject and experience different approaches with new people.


The application process was very easy thanks to Mobility-One and with the support of the International Office at FH Potsdam. I also took a language course over two semesters a year in advance, which was necessary to help me settle in better abroad. As I stayed in the EU, I didn't have to apply for a visa and the journey was also very pleasant.

The accommodation

After a lot of wandering around in Milan and after a scam, I got a one-room flat after a month of searching. Please read the contracts carefully! I found my accommodation via at a moderate price by Milan standards. The flat search was very stressful. I looked for months in advance and kept getting acceptances, but unfortunately I also received a lot of rejections. The local search was also very stressful and I preferred to concentrate on websites and subitovendito, as housing agencies are no help here. What's more, they usually charge €100-400 for the search, and hardly anything good comes out of it. So search in good time, be careful with the contract and say yes quickly for a viewing/interest!

Studying at the university

There was a large introductory event for all Erasmus students from the Department of Architecture. In addition to the design course, I also attended three other seminars. The timetable was very thin in contrast to the FHP, but the seminars are very demanding, with weekly presentations, homework, assignments, reading books with discussion, etc. There are a lot of students here, almost like a city of its own in the metropolis, which is also very nice. The atmosphere is very lively and the professors are very accommodating. Here, everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to do a written exam (Italian or English), a presentation or a model as the final submission in a seminar. Of course, this depends on your choice.

Everyday life and free time

Milan is expensive, similar to Munich. Accordingly, housing is expensive, but public transport is cheap with a monthly student ticket of 22€. Food is a little more expensive than in Germany, but aperitivo and eating out is affordable and cheap. My recommendation: travel throughout northern Italy, see a lot in the Alps, the Po Delta, go to the Biennale in Venice and if you have time after work or over public holidays, travel to Florence, Rome or Naples. Trains and Flixbuses are very cheap here compared to Germany.

Conclusion and tips

Gladly again and again. It was very nice, which is why I'm thinking about travelling to Italy again for my Master's degree. Go on lots of weekend trips in the surrounding area, take long trips over public holidays and go to all the Erasmus events at the beginning! Never miss an invitation to an aperitivo, it's always worth it in a big group! Start learning Italian in good time, look for shared rooms or flats early and pay attention to what is written in the contract! Take care of your belongings, Milan is famous for pickpockets. I've been aware of this since day one and I keep hearing something different every week.

Despite all this, do an Erasmus year abroad! You will learn so much, discover new, untapped potential and have a unique experience.