Laboratory for Bitumen and Bitumen Emulsions

The laboratory for bitumen and bitumen emulsions deals with issues relating to sustainable transport infrastructure from the perspective of building materials technology.

We are researching durability, resource conservation through the reuse of materials in road construction and cold construction technologies. The laboratory has state-of-the-art test set-ups for analysing bituminous binders.
In addition to the investigation of materials for road construction, the laboratory also has equipment that allows bituminous binders to be modified and designed for various applications, including adaptations that become necessary due to changing climatic conditions as a result of climate change. In addition to traditional research, the laboratory is used for laboratory exercises and students' final theses.
RUBIN alliance phoTECH – Photonic processes as a technological basis for the purification of indoor air, industrial air, biogenic air and urban air
Joint project no. 4 – Urban Air
The joint project "Urban Air" is involved in the still almost complete lack of solutions for the purification of pollutant emissions in polluted urban areas and thus refers to the huge potential for conflict between urban traffic and health protection. phoTECH aims to provide practical solutions for technical emission protection.
Contact us
Minnu Shaji, M.Eng
Eva Maria Wehlan