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Research Infrastructure

Labs and Research Groups

dpi Lab: Digital Participation and Inclusion Lab

The dpi-lab was installed in May 2020 at the social and educational sciences department at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to bundle the various research activities at the interface of digital technologies, social work and educational science.

IDL: Interaction Design Lab

The Interaction Design Lab is the research facility of the Interface Design degree programme and houses an international team of researchers, designers and developers. They form an interface between teaching, research, development, technology transfer, design and knowledge transfer and thus open up a space for multidisciplinary projects.

PINA: Potsdam Research Institute for Early Learning and Educational Action

PINA is an interdisciplinary research network of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam on early childhood education and development and emerged in 2017 from the cooperative research programme EQUIP (Development of Quality and Interaction in Everyday Pedagogy).

UCLAB: Urban Complexity Lab

UCLAB is an interdisciplinary research group that combines competences from the fields of interface design, computer science and the humanities. The research work focuses on the design, development and investigation of data visualisations.

Scientific Institutions

Institute for Applied Research Urban Future (IaF)

Since its foundation in 2015, the institute has hosted numerous research projects with many motivated employees. Under the umbrella of the IaF, the research-oriented Master's programme Urban Futures was established in the winter semester 2016/2017.

Institute for Advanced Training Research & Development e.V. (IFFE)

IFFE is a non-profit registered association that has been promoting the engagement of university lecturers and students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam since 1995. The institute supports projects of further education and training, research and development in the national and international sphere.

Institute for Building Research and Conservation (IBB)

The Institute for Building Research and Preservation was founded in 2004 as a joint scientific institution of the degree programme Architecture and Urban Design with the degree programm Conservation and Restoration and the civil engineering department as an In-Institute of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The institute serves the purpose of science, research and development. Its main areas of activity are building conservation, preservation of historical buildings and restoration.