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Research Data Management at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Research data management is an elementary component of any research project dealing with research data. We have compiled background information, examples of data management plans and tools for creating them, as well as a collection of links to external training and qualification opportunities.

Geöffnete Schatztruhe, aus der verschiedene Datentypen herausspringen
Projektlogo "Datenschätze an der FHP finden, heben und publizieren" © Leonardo.Ai

Innovation Fund project: Finding, Collecting and Publishing data treasures at the FHP

The Research Data Management team at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is launching a project funded by the internal Innovation Fund that offers researchers at the university the opportunity to unearth their previously hidden data treasures during the summer semester of 2025, make them visible to the scientific community and make them available for reuse by other researchers. 

The aim is to support, advise and motivate individual researchers and research groups to publish their research data in accordance with national and international standards for reuse FAIR. At the same time, other researchers at the university are encouraged to document and publish their own data. 

Researchers are introduced to the research infrastructure (RDMO-BB, RADAR-BB, training courses, etc.) that can be used for research data management at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, which is provided by the State Initiative for Research Data Management (FDM-BB).

Applying for “Book a Data Steward” is possible until the end of February 2025. Further information on this offer can be found in the internal news release.

What is Research Data?

In short, virtually all data generated in the research process is research data.

The DFG provides a comprehensive definition: "Research data include measurement data, laboratory values, audiovisual information, texts, survey data, objects from collections or samples that are created, developed or evaluated in the course of scientific work. Methodological test procedures such as questionnaires, software and simulations can represent central results of scientific research and should therefore also be included under the term research data." Source: DFG (2015): Guidelines on the Handling of Research Data.

Research Data Management at FHP

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam supports the cultural change towards more openness and transparency in science, research and teaching through its guideline on the handling of research data, among other things. This was published for the first time on 04.11.21 and replaced on 07.02.24 by an updated version in the university's official announcements. Work is currently underway on an accompanying handout with recommendations for the specific subject culture of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Research Data Management in Practice

FAIR principles

The aim is to provide data for these data in accordance with FAIR-principles. FAIR stands for Findable – Accessible – Interoperable - Reuseable. It is about long-term and person-independent findability, accessibility, re-usability and verifiability of the data as well as the consideration of legal aspects (e. g. data protection). The details and background to the FAIR principles can be found at the Technical Information Library.

Statutes for ensuring good scientific practice and dealing with scientific misconduct at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The Statutes was published on 28/07/2022 and defines the principles of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to ensure good scientific practice and to deal with accusations of scientific misconduct.

One of the tasks is to train students and young academic techniques and methods of scientific work, information on the documentation and archiving of research data and results can be found in the statutes under point 9.

The foundations of these statutes are the "Code: Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice" of the German Research Foundation (2019), the "Recommendations on Scientific Integrity" of the German Council of Science and Humanities (2015) and the recommendations of the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz on "Good Scientific Practice at German Universities"(2013) as well as Section 4 (5) of the Brandenburg University Act (BbgHG, 2014).

Research Data Strategy for the State of Brandenburg

On the 18th of July 2022, a joint research data strategy for the state of Brandenburg was adopted by the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture and the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents. The strategy supports the goal of establishing institutionalised and sustainable research data management at Brandenburg's universities.

Background to Research Data Management

Expectations of the funding agencies

Increasingly, funding organisations are calling for research data to be addressed, e.g. the DFG according to its guidelines for proposal submission (see DFG form 54.01). In addition, the DFG offers further information on the topic on its website and publishes a checklist.

For EU project applications, data management plans usually have to be submitted as deliverables within the first six months of the project. However, you should already deal with your research data in detail in the application (cf. Horizon Europe Programme Guide, p. 41ff).

Consideration in financial and work planning

Funds can often be calculated for the additional costs incurred for data management as well as for subsequent uses of the data when applying for research projects. This is usually indicated in the announcements and funding guidelines. Costs may be incurred for infrastructure such as servers or personnel, for example.

At the same time, the handling of research data should also be sufficiently taken into account in work planning, e. g. by scheduling (sub-)work packages for project-specific data management.

Further information

For further information, please consult the general pages, as well as the subject-specific portal for educational sciences.

Further assistance in handling research data is also provided by the"PARTHENOS Guide to the "FAIRification" of Data Management and Enabling the Re-use of Data" .

Data Management Plan

A data management plan (DMP) is a suitable means of determining at the beginning of a research process how data are to be documented, metadata and standards described, and criteria established according to which data are later to be secured and made available. There are no one-size-fits-allstandard guidelines on how a data management data management plan structured should be. When submitting applications, it is advisable to adhere to the regulations of the respective funding organisation.

A data management plan can be created free of charge using web-based tools and geared to the requirements of the funding organisations. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam offers the Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) for this purpose, which was developed as part of a DFG project (access with the Campus.Account). On the RDMO website you will find an introductory video and further assistance.

A data management plan should include, in addition to the project key data (name, funding organisation, funding programme, project management with contact, brief project description) approximately the following topics address:

Data collection

  • Characteristics of the existing data and new data to be generated,
  • Information on versioning, structuring and quality assurance,
  • information on possible subsequent use by third parties.

Documentation and metadata

  • Explanations of the procedure so that others understand how data management is done
  • Consideration of relevant metadata

Findability, access and use

  • Which data types are likely to be published when in which data archives/repositories?
  • How are they to be accessed, what licence will be issued? Will DOIs be assigned?
  • How will access rights for personal/sensitive data be regulated?

Storage and preservation

  • During and after the project duration: Which data types are selected for storage and archiving according to which criteria?
  • Information on total size, data transfer, backups?
  • What happens after the retention period of 10 years?

Legal and ethical aspects

  • Reference to further legal and ethical aspects
  • Information on the collection and subsequent use of sensitive data (e.g. research on/with children or older people)

Responsibilities and resources

  • Statements on responsibilities,
  • Information on necessary resources and (expected) costs


Eine Hilfestellung zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten im gesamten Forschungsprozess, orientiert an den Phasen des Datenlebenszyklus (Planung, Speicherung, Beschreibung, Archivierung, Veröffentlichung, Nachnutzung), bietet die FDM-Checkliste an, die von der TU Berlin erstellt und für die Nachnutzung durch die FHP angepasst wurde.

Overview of Training & Qualification Offers

Students created overviews of training materials and qualification opportunities as part of the project course "WBD01b Research Data Management" with Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth in the summer semester 2020.

  • "Forschungsdaten leben länger" by RWTH Aachen University describes a typical project progression along the life cycle of research data in an instructional video, 2018.
  • "Forschungsdaten managen - Anforderungen, Methoden, Hilfsmittel" by TIB Hannover provides an overview of various aspects of research data management including practical tips and exercises via workshop slides and working materials, 2020.
  • "Warum Forschungsdatenmanagement?" by KIM University of Konstanz provides a fundamental basis for research data management, 2020. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3762983.
  • "Was sind Forschungsdaten?" by the Research Data Management Initiative of HU Berlin provides the most important key data on research data management in the form of an online tutorial, 2016. DOI: 10.18450/dataman/90.


The FDM team acts as a central point of contact for all matters relating to research data management at the FHP.

Coordinated by the Research and Transfer Committee (ZEFT), members of various structural units at FHP are involved in the FDM team and bring together scientific and science-supporting stakeholders concerning the organisation and management of data. This includes, for example, strategic, legal, ethical and technical aspects of handling research data.

The FDM team contributes to the implementation of the "Statutes for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and Dealing with Scientific Misconduct at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam" and the "Research Data Guidelines of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam".

Currently, we can help you in the following areas:

  • support in the formulation of statements on the handling of research data in research proposals, for which we have text modules and formulation suggestions available
  • advice on research data management in the context of data protection or ethical issues
  • provision of a tool for the creation of data management plans: Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO)
  • advice on the preparation of data management plans
  • regular provision of information on innovations in research data management, e.g. new requirements from funding bodies, new publications etc.

Enquiries can be made via the e-mail address

Administrator HISinOne-RES
Deputy Administrator Resource Management
Chair of Library Science – Technologies, Systems and Services
Member of the board of the Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e.V.
Academic Assistant Research Data Management
Project Coordinator Project IN-FDM-BB (HAWs)
Chair of Library Science – Strategies, Service Development, Science Communication
Employee Open Access and Research Data Management