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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

    Schriftzug "Zugang Einbeziehung Teilhabe Anerkennung"

    Inter...what? Intersectionality! A Visual Introduction

    What is intersectionality? How are discrimination and privilege related? What does intersectional discrimination mean? These questions are answered in the web-based article "Inter...was? Intersektionalität! – Eine visuelle Einführung" answers them. With a combination of text, animated illustration and interactive data visualisation, it offers an introduction to the socially relevant topic of…

    Datenvisualisierung Topographie der Gewalt

    Topography of Violence

    Research cooperation with the Jewish Museum Berlin on the visualisation of anti-Semitic acts of violence between 1930 and 1938

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Visuelle und dynamische Arrangements von Nachrichten"

    VIDAN: Visual and Dynamic Arrangements of Messages

    VIDAN develops new interaction and visualisation techniques for the representation and exploration of complex data

    Logo des Projekts DISA - Digitale Inklusion im Kontext Sozialer Angststörungen

    DISA – Digital Inclusion in the Context of Social Anxiety Disorders

    The project addresses digital inclusion in the context of social anxiety disorders.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Interfaces to Data for Historical Social Network Analysis and Research"

    SoNAR (IDH): Interfaces to Data for Historical Social Network Analysis and Research

    Project to investigate and demonstrate a research technology for historical network analysis

    aufgeklappte Publikation mit Foto einer besprühten Wand und einem Text über den Begriff Writer


    Principles and elements of urban handwriting


    Render von einem Fahrradsattel in verschiedenen Perspektiven


    Additive manufacturing in the product design of user-specific bicycle components using the example of a bicycle saddle.

    Buchcover auf gelb-rotem Untergrund

    Visuals for Language

    Considerations for Language Encoding

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "PROTOTYP"


    Designing the future materially. Prototypes as communication media of the new.

    Screenshot des Forschungsprojekts "Lesespuren: Fontanes Handbibliothek visualisieren"

    Reading Traces: Visualising Fontane's Reference Library

    Research cooperation with the Theodor Fontane Archive Potsdam

    Quadratische Bildausschnitte sind in ihren unterschiedlichen Größen zu einem mosaikartigen Layout zusammengefügt

    Close-Up Cloud: An Experimental Visualisation for Exploring Image Collections

    The Close-Up Cloud introduces a visualisation approach that challenges the separation of overview and detail. For this, the iconographic details of images are summarised to reveal visual patterns in a collection and to stimulate exploration through the holdings.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts Postdigitale Kunstpraktiken in der Kulturellen Bildung - Ästhetische Begegnungen zwischen Aneignung, Produktion und Vermittlung

    PKKB: Postdigital Art Practices in Cultural Education – Aesthetic Encounters between Appropriation, Production and Mediation

    Research into post-digital art scenes, their spaces of practice, appropriation and reception, and the development of artistic-aesthetic mediation concepts for cultural education in exchange with the research practices carried out.