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Federal Programme Sprach-Kita

The federal programme "Sprach-Kitas" aims to sustainably improve the provision of language education in Kitas.

Eingangsbereich einer Kita mit Kleiderhaken und daran hängenden Kinderjacken
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Cooperation project
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Because language is the key to the world

With the federal programme "Sprach-Kitas: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist", the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth is strengthening language education integrated into everyday life, inclusive education and cooperation with families in day care throughout Germany.

The programme has been implemented since 2016 under the direction of Prof. Dr. Frauke Hildebrandt in various regions of Brandenburg (Oder-Spree, Frankfurt/Oder, Märkisch-Oderland, Potsdam and Potsdam-Mittelmark).

A total of 46 day-care centres receive professional support from the expert advisors Nina Sandleben, Katharina Schröder, Katja von von Gizycki and Anja Behnert. Together with the funded additional specialists, day care centre managers and teams, they develop needs-oriented approaches to systematically change language education in day care centres, to implement inclusive pedagogy in practice and to strengthen cooperation with families.

IFFE e.V. is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

From 2016 to 2020, the federal government provided funding of up to one billion euros. This made it possible to create a total of around 7,000 additional half-time specialist positions in daycare centres and in specialist counselling. Around one in ten daycare centres in Germany is now a "Sprach-Kita". This means that around half a million children and their families benefit from the federal programme.


Project management

Expert advisors

  • Katharina Schröder
  • Nina Sandleben
  • Katja von Gizycki
  • Anja Behnert