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Promoting Talent – Apply Now for Scholarships of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung!

Study & Teaching
Euro-Scheine aufgefächert auf einem Tisch

The scholarship programme of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung is one of the 13 organisations for the promotion of talented students in Germany and provides scholarships to students and doctoral candidates from Germany and abroad, from all subjects and at all universities.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation's study programme aims to increase the proportion of students they support at universities in eastern Germany. Unfortunately, this is still below the national average in some federal states. There are two application procedures per year.

The application deadlines are the 1st of March and the 1st of September of each year. Students up to their 4th semester can apply for funding for their first degree programme and students one semester before the start of their Master's degree programme can apply as well.

Further information can be found on the Foundation's website or on the website of the Begabtenförderungswerke.


Student Financing

Room 3.02a