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Press release

Promoting young talent with a Practical Focus – the P³Dual Project at the University of Applied Sciences is about to start

University Planning & Development
University policy
Studierende vor Haus 1

In April 2021, the project "P³Dual – Recruitment and Development of Professorial Staff at the FH Potsdam Dual" was launched. The aim of the project is to open up attractive career paths for young researchers and practitioners for a FH professorship.

How can young researchers be optimally supported from their doctorate to a professorship at a university of applied sciences? How are young researchers and practitioners supported in building up the qualifications required for a professorship at a university of applied sciences in the triad of teaching, research and professional practice? What role do collaborations in research and teaching play that are equally beneficial for the practice partners, the university and the researchers? And how can a networking platform and systematic personnel development support the project?

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and its partners will be working on these questions over the next six years as part of the P³Dual project under the leadership of President Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund. For Prof. Dr. Schmitt-Rodermund, the focus is on young professors and practical relevance: "We want to support young academics during their doctoral studies by working closely with practitioners. In the long term, we want to use P³Dual to attract the brightest minds to our university and strengthen our relationships with practice partners in the region."

P³Dual was launched on the 1st of April with the appointment of Dr. Gabriele Kowalski as project coordinator in the University Planning and Development Office. By the summer, the project team will be completed with six academic staff at doctoral and postdoctoral level as well as a consultant for academic staff development.

The project is being carried out in close cooperation with the practice partners, the departments at the university, the appointments officer and the Institute for Applied Research Urban Future (IAF). The project is part of the federal-state programme "FH Personal" with a duration of six years (01/04/2021 – 31/03/2027).

More about P³Dual and the current job advertisements