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Mathematics Bridge Course for the Winter Semester 24/25

Study & Teaching
Eine Professorin schreibt etwas an ein Whiteboard

Our mathematics bridge course for Civil Engineering students will start again in September 2024.

Our mathematics bridge course for civil engineering students will start again in September 2024.

This course provides the opportunity to review and refresh mathematical knowledge and skills. After completing the course, students will have the mathematical foundations for sucessful studies, be able to assess their own skills and, if necessary, take measures to close gaps in their knowledge.

The course consists of an online self-study course and a classroom component. The dates have been postponed to week 38 and 39:

CW 38, 16/09/2024 to 20/09/2024 Online videos

CW 39, 23/09/2024 to 27/09/2024 Presence at the FHP

Registration is possible from 01/09/2024 at, subject: Registration Mathebrückenkurs