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Press release

Lecture Series "Sustainable Building": Phase 0 – Setting the Course for Sustainable Building

In the joint lecture series "Sustainable Building" of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) and the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects, the sustainability consultant of the Kommunale Immobilien Service (KIS) Potsdam, Dipl.-Ing. Jeannette Hanko, will shed light on the importance and effects of sustainability requirements in project development for municipal construction projects on the 26th of April.

In the so-called "Phase 0", the course can be set that promotes sustainable construction and "pays off" in the subsequent phases. The concerns of future users in particular can be effectively incorporated in this initial planning phase. In her presentation, Dipl.-Ing. Jeannette Hanko will focus in particular on the socio-cultural aspects of sustainability. The equally important ecological and economic concerns will also be presented, as well as the specific requirements in public building construction and especially in school construction.

In the subsequent panel discussion, representatives from research and teaching, the architectural community and students will have their say.

About the lecture series

A joint series of lectures on the topic of "Sustainable Building" has emerged from initiatives by the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The aim is to provide both current and potential architects with an advanced training programme. Interested students will gain differentiated insights into the practical professional aspects of sustainable construction and have the opportunity to raise their own questions for discussion.


"Decisive decisions in phase 0"

When: 26th of April 2023, 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Where: House D/Learning room 011, FH Potsdam + livestream
Expert speaker: Dipl.-Ing. Jeannette Hanko (KIS)
Moderation: Norbert John (BA)
Guests: Dr. Susanne Hofmann (Die Baupiloten BDA), Marcel Adam (BA)

Students and employees can register free of charge by sending an e-mail to
(please indicate online/offline) and external participants here.

Fee: 40 euros, students and FHP employees free of charge