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Press release

Experts in critical dialogue: 1st InNoWest transfer advisory board meeting

Gruppenbild des Transferbeirats von InNoWest
Transferbeirat, v.l.n.r.: Dr. Martin Heinlein (Uni Bremen), Prof. Dr. -Ing. Peter Ritzenhoff (Hochschule Bremer-haven und Hochschulallianz für den Mittelstand), Kerstin Lehmann (HNEE), Prof. Dr. -Ing. Klaus-Martin Melzer (Technische Hochschule Wildau), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Heisig (InNoWest FHP), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sören Hirsch (InNoWest THB), Falk-Florian Hoene (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, For-schung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg), Sebastian Saule (Wirtschaftsförderung Branden-burg – WFFB), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Pfriem (InNoWest HNEE), Dr. André Ullrich (Weizenbaum Institut), Dr. Katharina Krüth (InNoWest HNEE), Prof. Dr. Benjamin Nölting (InNoWest HNEE), Ma-ria Filipschack (InNoWest THB), Dr. Heike Ellner (Biosphärenreservat Flusslandschaft Elbe-Brandenburg), Matthias Krebs (Brandenburgische Ingenieurkammer), Marte Sybil Kessler (Stifter-verband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft), Stefan Raich (InNoWest FHP)

The transfer advisory board of the InNoWest joint project began its work with a constituent meeting on 2 May 2024 at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. With this cross-university committee, the three partner universities from Eberswalde, Potsdam and Brandenburg an der Havel are not only setting an example for the further expansion of the network in the North-West Brandenburg region, but also for closer integration between the universities.

The aim of the Transfer Advisory Board is to support and help shape the InNoWest university network with external expertise as a critical source of information and advice. The committee will initially meet once a year. The diversity of the group is special, as it has succeeded in attracting a broad selection of recognised experts with many years of experience in their respective fields of activity. Individuals and organisations from business, science, civil society and politics are represented, both regionally and nationally. 

The kick-off meeting at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences provided an initial opportunity for productive dialogue with the experts on the advisory board. After both the InNoWest university network and the members of the advisory board had introduced themselves, the committee was able to actively begin its work: In a short workshop, an external view was taken on the topic of impact planning in order to bring the power of the joint project to full fruition. In addition, the transfer advisory board was asked to provide initial feedback and ideas on the concepts of the future transfer fund and the transfer locations.

The advisory board offers the partner universities an opportunity to strengthen their links with non-university organisations and to become effective in solving social challenges through the transfer of knowledge between universities and other stakeholders. 

About InNoWest
The joint project "InNoWest - Einfach machen! Sustainable and digital together in North-West Brandenburg" has set out to work on two major transformation challenges of our time: Sustainable development and digitalisation. The association supports the sustainable development of the region with transfer projects on the topics of "user-centred digitalisation", "climate-friendly transformation" and "shaping society". The aim is to create innovations and solutions for the North-West Brandenburg region across university boundaries with partners from the field.

InNoWest is jointly implemented by the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) and the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (THB).
The project is being funded by the federal government and Brandenburg with up to 14.7 million euros until 31 December 2027 as part of the Innovative University funding initiative of the Joint Science Conference.

Further information
InNoWest Transfer Advisory Board
InNoWest website

Other members of the Transfer Advisory Board who are not in the picture Annekathrin Hoppe (Mayor of Schwedt/Oder), Andreas Rieger (Brandenburg Chamber of Architects), Prof Dr Mandy Singer-Brodowski (University of Regensburg), Sebastian Turner (media entrepreneur and publicist)