Press release
Gender Prize of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam goes to Hyeonji Kim

Hyeonji Kim, a graduate of the Department of Design, was awarded the FH Potsdam Gender Prize for her Master's thesis "Designing a Customizable Period Tracker With a Human-Centered Approach and Data Visualisation to Support Menopausal Transition".
In her master's thesis, Hyeonji Kim deals with period trackers and is thus working in the research field of "personal informatics", the acquisition of knowledge through the collection and visualisation of personal data. Period trackers are now used by many women to document and monitor their own menstrual health. However, according to Kim, these trackers have so far neglected the transitions between different phases of life. One of these transition phases is the menopause.
Hyeonji Kim interviewed potential users about their needs, analysed existing menstrual trackers and menopause-supporting apps and developed design guidelines as well as a concrete prototype of a menopause mode for integration into existing apps, which she had tested by potential users, stakeholders from the FemTech industry and doctors.
"Hyeonji Kim is addressing a relevant and still socially taboo topic and focusing on the needs of an age group of women who are not necessarily the focus of app developments," explains Sandra Cartes, Central Equal Opportunities Officer at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. "In doing so, she demonstrates a great deal of sensitivity, openness and foresight, which, in combination with her creative skills, are absolutely worthy of an award."
The Master's thesis was jointly supervised by Marian Dörk, Research Professor for Information Visualisation & Management at the Department of Design, and Tal Ron, a medical psychologist specialising in women's health.
"The research carried out as part of this master's thesis and the design of the prototype illustrate a high scientific and design standard," says Prof. Dr. Marian Dörk. "Dealing with the topic of health, the related data visualisation and the research area of personal informatics as a whole require a particularly sensitive and ethical approach, which is reflected in Hyeonji Kim's thesis not least in the reflection of the specific needs of the target group and the resulting requirements for the interface design."
Gender prize
The FH Potsdam Gender Prize honours outstanding theses that deal with gender aspects of the respective subject area and the social background in a well-founded manner and demonstrate originality and sensitivity. This year, five theses from the fields of Design, European Media Studies, Social Work and Library Sciences were nominated by teaching staff. The Gender Prize was awarded for the first time in 2000. It is sponsored by the Equal Opportunities Officer and is endowed with €500.
This year's award ceremony will take place on the 12th of December as part of a reading in the FH Potsdam library.
Information on equal opportunities work at the FHP can be found at: