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Doctoral and Research Colloquium of the four Universities of Applied Sciences in Brandenburg

Titel Promotions- und Forschungskolloquium in Weiß vor grünem Hintergrund mit grafischen Elementen

The joint doctoral and research colloquium of the four universities of applied sciences in Brandenburg would like to invite doctoral students as well as research and teaching staff from the universities of applied sciences to a scientific exchange on research modes and methods in inter- and transdisciplinary research projects.

Due to their application-oriented profile, research at universities of applied sciences is closely linked to non-university practice. Regional relevance, socially relevant solutions and knowledge and technology transfer are usually a particular focus here. The joint doctoral and research colloquium of the four universities of applied sciences in Brandenburg would like to use this application and transfer-oriented approach as a trademark and invite doctoral students as well as research and teaching staff at the universities of applied sciences to a scientific exchange on research modes and methods in inter- and transdisciplinary research projects. Professors and doctoral candidates will jointly present their experiences with various participatory research approaches and methods in current research and doctoral projects. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to discuss the approaches and methods presented across disciplines and to give each other impulses.

The colloquium is aimed at all interested doctoral students, postdocs and professors. It will start in the summer semester 2025 and will continue as a regular event in the winter semester 2025/26. The events will take place online approximately every 4 weeks.

Programme for the summer semester 2025 (Thursdays, 1.00 pm – 2.30 pm):

10/04/2025: Framework conditions for a doctorate in a research project using the example of TDR4HAW. With Prof. Dr. Antje Michel (FHP), Prof. Dr. Benjamin Nölting (HNEE), Dr. Gabriela Michelini (FHP) and Laura Awad (HNEE)

08/05/2025: Project CC4Regiofleisch. With Josephine Lauterbach (HNEE) and possibly Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Häring (and her working group)

05/06/2025: Open source large language models in application: Fine-Tuning, Prompt Engineering or Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): Which optimisation brings the greatest added value? With Prof. Dr. Florian Marquardt (THB), Rico Herlt (THB)

03/07/2025: Participatory research with practice partners and concrete activities related to cycling. With Prof. Dr. Christian Rudolph (THW), tbd

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