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Building Culture-Dialogue

Titelbild Baukultur-Dialog
© André Stiebitz

"Building Culture-Dialogue – Living building culture and climate protection" is a series of events in cooperation with various actors from Brandenburg. Current structures and how they can be changed for more sustainable building are discussed.

„Building Culture Dialogue – Living Building Culture and Climate Protection“ series of events

Titelbild der Veranstaltungsreihe „Baukulturdialog – Baukultur und Klimaschutz leben“. Gezeigt wird ein Ausschnitt eines Gebäudes des Architekten Arno Lederers.
© Architektur: Arno Lederer, Foto: Simon Kramer

For decades, building legislation, the construction industry and vocational training were primarily oriented towards new construction. But in view of the high shares of energy, material and land consumption, waste generation and greenhouse gas emissions in the construction industry, a reorientation is inevitable. Instead of demolition and new construction, repair, conversion and further construction, the rediscovery of resource-saving building materials and techniques and the densification of our city and village centres are coming to the fore.

In order to scientifically promote the necessary development in the building industry, the degree programmes in architecture and urban planning, conservation and restoration, civil engineering and building preservation at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam have founded the profile line "Design • Build • Preserve". In a dialogue on building culture with guests from politics, building practice, science and with students, we ask: Where do funding programmes and building laws need to be adapted to create a new culture of building on? How can the building industry be transformed? And how do we prepare for the new tasks in higher education?

"Building Culture Dialogue - Living Building Culture and Climate Protection" is a series of events in cooperation with Kulturland Brandenburg, the supporters' association Baukultur Brandenburg, the Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin Brandenburg, the Brandenburg chamber of architects and the Brandenburg chamber of engineers.

Registration is required for the events.

Topics of past events

The presentations of the events were broadcast live on YouTube and can be watched again. The respective YouTube link is noted here.

"Baukultur & Klimaschutz - Avantgarde zu Um- und Weiterbau"; im Hintergrund ein Kornversuchsspeicher
© Architektur: Kornversuchsspeicher: AFF Architekten, Foto: Tjark Spille

Kick-off event:
Wider die Wegwerfgesellschaft – Avantgarde to repair, rebuild and continue to build.


Already in antiquity, the reuse of building materials, buildings and urban structures was part of the basic understanding of all builders and has formed a foundation of building culture ever since. However, the modern consumer society initiated a fundamental change of mindset in the building industry. In view of the climate crisis, repair, conversion and further construction are once again coming into focus, which is why we are asking ourselves: Where do legislation and standardisation urgently need to be adapted so that the reuse of building materials and conversion become the norm in the future? Where in Brandenburg is exemplary conversion and further construction already taking place? What are the opportunities and limitations of building in and with existing structures? And what can we do in university teaching so that our graduates are prepared for the changes in the building industry?

The event took place on Wednesday, 17th May 2023, 6.00 - 8.00 pm. in the theatre workshop at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and was broadcast live on YouTube, where it can still be viewed.

Watch the complete opening event on YouTube


06.00 pm
Start of the event
Moderation: Rudolf Spindler and Hannah Höpfner

6.05 pm
Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, president of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

6.15 pm
Prof. Dr. Markus Tubbesing, vice dean for research in the City | Building | Culture department

6.25 pm
Perspectives of heritage conservation on the circular economy –
Conversion and renovation of the historic town hall in Goslar
Dr.-Ing. Jens Birnbaum, architect, Krekeler Architekten Generalplaner GmbH

6.45 pm
The Castle – New construction and conversion of a housing series 70 in Luckenwalde
Nicole Braune, architect, municipal housing association Die Luckenwalder

7.05 pm
Housing series 70 –
Revitalisation of a prefabricated housing estate in Cottbus Neu-Schmellwitz
Immanuel Kasper, student University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

7.15 pm
Sophienstraße 32-33
Conversion and further development of a residential and garden house in Spandauer Vorstadt
Thomas Albrecht, architect, Hilmer & Sattler und Albrecht Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH

7.35 pm
Revitalisation of the Friedrichshöhe in Werder an der Havel
Wejdan Almhamed & Carolin Reckmann, students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Staudenhof Potsdam
Jonas Zeidler, student of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

7.50 pm
Closing remarks
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Bess and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Röder



"Baukultur und Klimaschutz - Verlorenes Bauwissen wiederentdecken"; im Hintergrund die Qatar University in Dohar

Passing on building culture – rediscovering lost building knowledge and reviving dying craftsmanship


Before mechanisation revolutionised construction, climate-adapted building with durable and repair-friendly constructions, locally available materials and regional craft techniques were part of the foundation of building culture. In the wake of the climate crisis, these principles are now coming back into focus. In order to continue, lost building knowledge must be rediscovered and dying crafts must be revived. We ask ourselves: How can building history and building research help to rediscover and disseminate lost building knowledge? Which old techniques have a great future? How can the field of conservation and restoration help us reactivate lost craft knowledge? And how can the university contribute to this knowledge transfer?

When: Wednesday, 31th of May 2023, 6.00 - 8.00 pm
Where: in the theatre workshop in the main building of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, 14469 Potsdam & via livestream



  • Moderation:
    Rudolf Spindler and Hannah Höpfner
  • Introduction:
    Prof. Dr. Jan Raue, dean of the CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department
  • Natural air conditioning in traditional Persian wind towers:
    Dinara Nazarova, Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Energy and resource-saving renovation of historical buildings:
    Claudia Hennrich, managing sirector of Deutsches Fachwerkzentrum Quedlinburg e.V.
  • Repair, Reconstruction, Restoration:
    Hermann Klos, managing director wood manufacturing Rottweil
  • Closing words:
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke Straub-Beutin and Prof. Dr. Jan Raue

"Baukultur & Klimaschutz - Lebenswerte Zentren schaffen"; im Hintergrund das belgische Viertel
© André Stiebitz


The attractiveness and vitality of city and town centres are also in the focus of political attention in Berlin and Brandenburg. Centres are to be developed into identity-forming places for living, culture, business and work. But they are also a major factor in climate adaptation, because dense construction reduces the need for heat, shortens distances and allows the joint use of energy sources. Attractive city and town centres are thus also one of the prerequisites for better connections to the public transport network of Berlin and Brandenburg, as is intended, among other things, with the i2030 rail transport project and the present regional transport plan - the number of passengers on local trains in Brandenburg is to double by 2030. Without attractive centres there can be no change in transport and without a change in transport there can be no climate protection. We ask ourselves: How can the development of the centres be strengthened programmatically and suburbanisation slowed down? What does the "New Leipzig Charter" mean for Brandenburg? Where are exemplary things already happening in Brandenburg's centres? And how can we prepare our future graduates at the university well for the care and revitalisation of the centres?

When: Wednesday, 14th if June 2023, 6.00 - 8.00 pm
Where: in the theatre workshop in the main building of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, 14469 Potsdam & via livestream.

To the registration


  • Moderation:
    Rudolf Spindler and Hannah Höpfner
  • Greeting:
    Stefan Bruch, Ministry for Infrastructure and Regional Planning of the State of Brandenburg, head of department II Urban Development and Housing.
  • The European city as a model of sustainability:
    Prof. em. Dr. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, ETH Zurich
  • Berlin-Brandenburg and its centres:
    Prof. em. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz, TU Berlin
  • "Model City" Luckenwalde:
    Elisabeth Herzog-von der Heide, mayor of the city of Luckenwalde
  • "Model town" Wittenberge:
    Dr. Oliver Hermann, mayor of the city of Wittenberge
  • Closing remarks:
    Prof Dr Silvia Malcovati and Prof Dr Markus Tubbesing

Impressions of the event on 17/05/2023

Impressions of the event on 31/05/2023

Impressions of the event on 14/06/2023

Grafik mit verschiedenen Aspekten, die wichtig sind für ein erfolgreiches Projekt im Bereich Nachhaltiges Bauen..

Information & events on the topic of climate-friendly construction

Sustainable building is a very broad subject area and encompasses much more than just energy efficiency or the choice of suitable materials. The inclusion of all users and decision-makers in the design process and the needs analysis is just as much a part of it as the consideration of the existing resources in their entire life cycle and the intelligent further use of the existing building stock and its infrastructures.

The Sustainable Building page provides information about the (past) events and offers further links on the topic. The next event will take place on 11th of October 2023 under the title "What to do about the progressive sealing of land – the "sponge city" principle".

Cooperation partners

The event series has been developed in cooperation with various actors from Brandenburg. Without them, this series of events would not be possible in this format. Many thanks.

Brandenburgische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geschichte – Kulturland Brandenburg

Brandenburg as a cultural state

Kulturland Brandenburg, an umbrella brand of the Brandenburgische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geschichte gGmbH, invites visitors to discover Brandenburg's cultural and regional diversity as well as its historical heritage with a new theme every year. The current theme "Living Building Culture – Brandenburg as a Land of Culture 2023" deals with the question of how people want to live in Brandenburg in the future and how the building cultural heritage can be included in this.

Further information on Living Building Culture – Brandenburg as a Land of Culture 2023

Logo Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
© AIV Berlin Brandenburg

Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin Brandenburg

The Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin Brandenburg organises and sponsors various events and lectures on the topic of sustainability.

Logo der Brandenburgischen Architektenkammer

Brandenburg chamber of architects

The Brandenburg chamber of architects and its cooperation partners promote sustainable planning and building in the state of Brandenburg.

Logo Ingenieurkammer Brandenburg (BBIK)

Brandenburg chamber of engineers

The Brandenburg chamber of engineers, together with its cooperation partners, organises activities on the topic of sustainability in planning and building that are aimed at both professionals and the general public. On their page they have compiled various information and links on this.


Project management

Professor for Design Monument Conservation


Hannah Höpfner

Coordinator Transfer

Coordinator Event Management and Deutschlandstipendium