Brüggemann, V., Bludau, M.-J., Pietsch, C., & Dörk, M. (2022). Von der Wolke zum Pfad: Visuelle und assoziative Exploration zweier kultureller Sammlungen. DHd2022: Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses.
Ehmel, F., Brüggemann, V., & Dörk, M. (2021). Topography of Violence: Considerations for Ethical and Collaborative Visualisation Design. In Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis) 40(3).
Bludau, M. J., Brüggemann, V., Busch, A., & Dörk, M. (2020). Reading traces: Scalable Exploration in Elastic Visualizations of Cultural Heritage Data. In Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 77-87).
Brüggemann, V., Bludau, M.-J., & Dörk, M. (2020). The Fold: Rethinking Interactivity in Data Visualization. DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14(3).
Brüggemann, V., Bludau, M.-J., & Dörk, M. (2020). Zwischen Distanz und Nähe. Formen der Betrachtung und Bewegung in (digitalen) Sammlungen. In Das digitale Objekt – Zwischen Depot und Internet (Bd. 7, S. 115–123). Deutsches Museum Verlag.
In collaboration with photographer Frédéric Brenner and his international project team, the GraDiM research project is developing theoretical and technical concepts for the visualisation of a photo archive with particular sensitivity for a collection documenting the Jewish diaspora.