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Main fields of activity (research, teaching)
Main areas of work
- Social work
- Methods of social work
- Conversation and counselling
- Systemic and solution-focussed theory and practice
- Child and youth welfare, educational assistance
- Digitalisation in the context of child and youth welfare
- Academic assistant at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences
- 4/2019 – 6/2022 Substitute lecturer for the professorship for sociological, socio-psychological and social work basics of social work at the FH Potsdam
- Systemic supervisor/coach (DGSv & SG):
- Design of numerous workshops and training seminars on topics including systemic and solution-focused practice, self-care, methods of social work, social pedagogical casework, digitalisation in the context of child and youth services
- 2016 – 3/2019 Consultant and lecturer at the Social Pedagogical Training Institute Berlin-Brandenburg; organisation and moderation of congresses and specialist events, process support and project management, lecturer at numerous training seminars and workshops
- 2013 – 2015 Academic assistant at the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the FH Potsdam, at the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the FU Berlin and at the Medical School Berlin; main topics: Communication theory, dialogue management/counselling, case work, field of action educational support, etc.
- 2008 – 2016 Worked as a social worker/social pedagogue in outpatient educational support and in counselling so-called high-conflict parents
- Studied Social Work (BA) at the FH Potsdam and Social Work with a focus on Education and Counselling (MA) at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin