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"Students4Students" at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences enters its Second Round

Gruppenbild mit Student*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen der FHP
Das Studiencoachingteam der FHP mit engagierten Student*innen © FH Potsdam

For the past year, student scouts at the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences have been supporting first and second-semester students on two degree programmes.

The scouts are active in the Bachelor's degree programmes in Social Work (BASA presence) and Early Childhood Education (BABEK) and thus make an important contribution to the sense of community in the Department of Social and Educational Sciences. They make regular contact, provide advice on studying and specific questions about starting a degree programme and can refer students to the relevant departments at the university.

"We are very pleased that the project has got off to such a good start, because after just one year it has become clear that students with scout support are more successful in their studies," summarises the study coaching team, consisting of Alena Kohlmann, Kati Schröder, Katharina Fischer and Maria Mauga, who invite the scouts to regular team meetings and coordinate the project together with Dean Prof. Frank Früchtel and Vice Dean Matthias Schreckenbach.

A total of 17 scouts for BASA Presence and BABEK have taken up their duties for the current winter semester. They accompany all first-semester students in their workshop groups and continue to provide support in the third semester. Some of them were so enthusiastic about their own scout mentoring last year that they are now keen to pass on this positive experience themselves.

The project, officially named "Students4Students (S4S) – Peer-Support and Study Progress Monitoring", received a funding commitment from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam Innovation Fund in September until the 31st of December 2023.

More information about the project can be found on the homepage.

Contact the study coaching team:


Social and Educational Sciences Department

Room 105