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Press release

International Conference on Knowledge Management from June 23 to 24 at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam – First time in Germany

This year, the annual International Conference on Knowledge Management will be hosted by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Heisig (Information and Knowledge Management, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam), Waltraut Ritter (Information Scientist, Berlin), and Andreas Matern (Board Member of the Society fpr Knowledge Management e.V.) at the Department of Information Sciences of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Experts from all over the world will be guests in Potsdam from June 23 to 24 and will exchange ideas on the conference topic "Knowledge, Uncertainty and Risks: From individual to global scale".

At a time when, on the one hand, we have masses of data at our disposal to create knowledge about consumer desires, but, on the other hand, they are not sufficiently available – as the current pandemic or energy supply experiences show – to create a comprehensive knowledge base for assessing the situation, shows how closely linked data and knowledge are to uncertainties and risks.

In addition to presentations from research and practice, the conference will also feature workshops, a poster session, and a bar camp organized by the Society for Knowledge Management (GfWM). The New Club of Paris, the think tank for the knowledge society, invites to talks in the Knowledge Cafe at the conference.

Scientists will present not only their current research on knowledge management, but also on topics such as data science, text analytics, and information science. The Society for Information and Knowledge (DGI) is also hosting a track, as is the Knowledge for Development Partnership Network.

Keynote speakers include Prof. Dr. Susanne Durst, professor at the School of Business and Governance at Tallinn University of Technology; Prof. Ortwin Renn, scientific director at the Institute for Transformative Sustainability Research (IASS) in Potsdam; and Dave Snowden, scientific director at Cynefin in Wales.

The conference is organized by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the International Council on Knowledge Management (ICKM).


Interested parties can purchase tickets to attend the conference online:
An early-bird discount on the regular conference fee is still available until May 1.

Further information: