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STIBET Graduation Scholarship

Every semester, the International Office awards three-month graduation scholarships to international students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The scholarships are usually announced for the summer semester and for the winter semester.

STIBET Graduation Scholarship – all information at a glance

Who can apply?

International students who

  • have acquired their higher education entrance qualification abroad / at a preparatory course,

  • do not have German citizenship,

  • are regular students at the FH Potsdam (no Erasmus),

  • earn less than 1000 euros gross/month during the scholarship period,

  • are expected to successfully complete their studies within one year.

Selection criteria

  • Financial need and social situation

  • academic progress

  • academic performance

  • voluntary commitment (desirable)

Application documents

Selection procedure

The scholarship holders are selected on the basis of the application documents. The selection committee consists of the International Office and the university management.


Volunteer work is an activity that is voluntary, oriented towards the common good and unpaid. Volunteer work can take place in many areas, in a non-profit organisation, in a society, privately, inside and outside the university. Examples of volunteer work are:

  • Involvement in the StuRa or AStA

  • Active participation in the Buddy Programme

  • Helping others with homework

  • Involvement as a trainer in a sports club

  • Accompaniment and translation for visits to the authorities

  • Involvement in social institutions

Working as student staff or doing project work during your studies is not considered volunteer work.

If you are a volunteer in an organisation, ask your contact person for proof.

If you volunteer privately, describe your activities.

No. Lack of volunteer work is not an exclusion criteria. You can receive additional points for volunteer work as part of the selection process.

The financial situation and social situation are selection criteria for the award of the scholarship. Every person is in a different life situation. In order to be able to compare the financial situation and social situation nevertheless, we ask you to provide a comprehensible explanation in your application. Explain your income situation and living costs. Describe your social situation, what responsibilities or additional burdens (e.g. caring for relatives, childcare, impairments) you have in addition to your studies. The information will of course be treated confidentially and will only be made available to the selection committee.

Yes, this is possible in principle. The additional monthly income during the scholarship period may not exceed 1,000 euros gross. Additional monthly gross income of between 900 and 1000 euros will be counted towards the scholarship amount.

If you earn more than 1,000 euros gross/month and can reduce your working hours and thus your earnings during the scholarship, you can apply for a scholarship. Please declare your intention to reduce working hours in the application.

If you receive a partial scholarship from public funds, additional funding from STIBET is possible. Depending on the amount of the partial scholarship, the monthly rate of the STIBET scholarship may be adjusted.
If you already receive a full scholarship from public funds, additional funding from STIBET is not possible.

Yes. However, you must declare the scholarship to the BAföG office. The BAföG office will check whether the BAföG rate will be reduced.

Ask a teacher (professor, research assistant) who knows you well from their courses.

Describe what topics you are interested in, what ideas you have, how you want to find and narrow down the topic.

Explain your timetable from finding a topic to registration to writing and handing in the thesis and the defence/oral examination.
Are you still missing courses? Describe when you plan to take these courses and complete your coursework.

Milestones are important points in your planning, e.g. completion of the research paper, conducting interviews, etc.

If you have successfully completed courses but they are not yet in your transcript of records, write a short comment on your transcript of records stating which courses (number of ECTS credits, grading) they are.

Please enter the month of your last examination performance here and describe which examination performance it is in the timetable.

Supported by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA)


In einem dunkelblauen Kreis steht in weißen Großbuchstaben DAAD. Zur rechten Seite des Kreises steht in schwarzer Schrift Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. Darunter auf Englisch German Academic Exchange Service.