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Functional and Visual Redesign of Google News

Bachelorarbeit von George Kvasnikov


Website-Screenshot vom Redesign-Konzept mit der Überschrift "Introducing the new UX and UI for Goggle News plattform"

News is a direct tool of influence on public consciousness. The goal of the news is to provide to the society objective information about a particular event or action. Today, there are a lot of news media and many of them are dependent on the government, radicalized, or critical, and so on. The problem of »point of view«, while reporting the news, is very significant. It has become very difficult to understand the flow of information. To figure out the truth, to form your own opinion about this or that, is a tremendous challenge for the modern man.

These facts cause the need to create tools that allow the reader to easily handle the news information, analyze it, to screen out unnecessary biases and form their own opinion.



Professor für Interaction Design


George Kvasnikov