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Get Your Dream Job in Germany: The Application

Collage Illustration Mix mit Aufschrift des Workshoptitels "The Application"

Julia Barden, a psychologist with professional experience in the HR departments of companies such as Deutsche Bahn and Commerzbank, provides support with career guidance and the entire application process.

Are you eager to apply for your dream job or the perfect internship but don’t know where to start? Do you want to impress with professional application documents but aren’t sure how to stand out from the crowd? Do you have specific questions about the application process in Germany or your application documents and wish to consult an expert? Then you’ve come to the right place!

This workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Job search strategies
  • Analysis of job descriptions
  • Writing a convincing cover letter
  • Writing and designing a CV
  • Creating an appealing LinkedIn and Xing profile

The best part of the workshop is that theory is immediately followed by practice: during the workshop, you will search for a suitable position, analyze the job advertisement, draft a cover letter (in bullet points), and update your CV according to German standards. There will also be enough time for individual questions.
The best part of the workshop is that theory is immediately followed by practice: during the workshop, you will search for a suitable position, analyze the job advertisement, draft a cover letter (in bullet points), and update your CV according to German standards. There will also be enough time for individual questions.

Please register by e-mail, stating your name, degree programme and semester, to: 360gradzukunft@fh-potsdam.de

The event is a free offer of the career entry programme Work@Heart and is aimed at students, graduates and employees of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The lecture will take place online via Zoom. The access link will be sent after successful registration.

Zielgruppe: Studierende

12.03.2025, 10:00 – 13:00 Uhr

Ort: Online
Raum: via Zoom


ZEGM – Zentrale Einrichtung Gründungsservice und Managementqualifikation

Raum 3.01