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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

News nach Aktualität

    CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Research & Transfer

    Press release

    Sustainable Building: New Urbanity and Climate-adapted, Liveable Cities

    On the 19th of June 2024, the "Sustainable Building" lecture series organised by the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam will focus on the topics of green surfaces, roofs and façades and will present innovative solutions for cooling urban spaces.

    Zwei Hände schreiben in einem Notizbuch
    Further Education
    Further education

    Press release

    From autumn 2024: Further training in action-centred coaching

    In cooperation between the Department of Social and Educational Sciences and the Centre for Continuing Education (ZEW) at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, a new part-time coaching course will start in November 2024. Action-centred coaching, based on a humanistic world view and methods from…

    Foyer des Hauptgebäudes der FH Potsdam
    Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

    Press release

    Prof. Dr. Franziska Geib is the new Anti-Discrimination Officer at FH Potsdam

    At the start of the summer semester, Prof. Dr. Franziska Geib, Professor of Inclusive Work with People with Disabilities and Diversity, also took up the post of Anti-Discrimination Officer at the beginning of her teaching career at the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences. She introduced…

    Gruppenbild vor PowerPoint-Präsentation
    Institute for Applied Research Urban Futures

    Press release

    State capital and Potsdam University of Applied Sciences enter into research cooperation to secure skilled municipal workers

    The state capital of Potsdam and Potsdam University of Applied Sciences have launched a joint initiative to look ahead and secure skilled labour for municipal professions until 2030.

    Programmausschnitt Symposium des Instituts für Bauforschung und Bauerhaltung
    IBB CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Civil Engineering

    Press release

    Symposium "Duration and Transience. Reflections on the lifespan of buildings"

    From 3 to 5 June 2024, the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences will host the symposium "Duration and Transience. Reflections on the Lifespan of Buildings" will take place. The event, organised by the Institute for Building Research and Conservation (ibb), aims to contribute to placing the…

    Gruppenbild mit Plakat
    President's Council
    University policy

    Press release

    FH Potsdam included in the "Potsdam! shows its colours" campaign alliance

    To coincide with the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences was accepted into the alliance "Potsdam! bekennt Farbe" at the meeting on 23 May 2024. The municipal initiative, chaired by the Lord Mayor of the state capital of Potsdam, Mike Schubert, is committed to…

    #Demokratie! vertikal links von einem großen "D" mit kreisförmigem Farbverlauf und zehn Händen darauf.
    Social and Educational Sciences CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Civil Engineering Design Information Sciences
    University policy

    Press release

    University of Applied Sciences Potsdam organises the Summer Semester 2024 under the Motto #Democracy!

    Students and lecturers at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are organising a free themed semester on democracy and are exploring the future of the free democratic order. Questions of democracy, diversity and openness will be discussed as part of courses, action days and workshops.

    Gruppenbild (v.l.n.r.) Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, Prof. Dr. Jörg Röder, Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth, Gerlinde Reich
    Senate President's Council
    University policy

    Press release

    Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund elected President

    Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, President of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, was unanimously confirmed in office for a further six years at today's Senate meeting on the 8th of May 2024. Her second term of office begins on 01/01/2025.

    Gruppenbild des Transferbeirats von InNoWest
    Research & Transfer

    Press release

    Experts in critical dialogue: 1st InNoWest transfer advisory board meeting

    The transfer advisory board of the InNoWest joint project began its work with a constituent meeting on 2 May 2024 at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. With this cross-university committee, the three partner universities from Eberswalde, Potsdam and Brandenburg an der Havel are not only…

    Keyvisual Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2024

    Press release

    Visualisation & Open Data: The Degree Programme Interface Design presents itself at the Potsdam Science Day

    On the 4th of May 2024, the Potsdam Science Day will take place on the Telegrafenberg in the Albert Einstein Science Park. Over 30 universities, schools and research institutions in Brandenburg will present their day-to-day work beyond the walls of their institutes.

    Hand über interaktiver Installation im Naturkundemuseum Berlin
    Networking and Competence Centre Open Access Brandenburg

    Press release

    WiNoDa: Research Alliance creates Knowledge Lab for the Future of Scientific Data

    Bringing the past to life, understanding the future: The new knowledge laboratory for natural science collections and object-centred data (WiNoDa) creates modern expertise for science and society. WiNoDa is a Germany-wide, collaborative network of research and supporting organisations. The Museum…

    Gelbes richtungsweisendes Schild mit Aufschrift Geothermie
    Research & Transfer

    Press release

    Sustainable building: Geothermal energy - the heat of the future comes from the earth

    The "Sustainable Building" lecture series organised by the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences will focus on the topic of geothermal energy on 24 April 2024 and shed light on this natural resource using practical examples and empirical values. The event…