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Workshop: Dialogue and Difference – Effects of the Israel-Palestine War in Germany

#Demokratie! vertikal links von einem großen "D" mit kreisförmigem Farbverlauf und zehn Händen darauf.

The two-day workshop at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam addresses the topics of anti-Semitism and racism, especially since the 7th of October 2023. The focus is on the increasing lack of dialogue, hardened fronts and growing radicalisation.

Workshop invitation: "Effects of the Israel-Palestine War in Germany"

At a time when racist and anti-Semitic incidents are on the rise in Germany, especially since the 7th of October 2023, the workshop highlights the need for comprehensive anti-fascist engagement across society as a whole. The workshop will focus on the increasing lack of dialogue, hardened fronts and growing radicalisation.

In recent weeks and months, we have observed with great concern the escalating violence in the war between Israel and Palestine. The devastating consequences are not only being felt on the ground, but are also having an impact here in Germany. The question of solidarity and empathy is often presented as an "either-or" issue. But this is not the case.

We cordially invite you to the workshop Dialogue and Difference, in which we will take an in-depth look at the immediate effects of the war in Israel and Palestine since the escalation of the Islamist terrorist attack by Hamas on the 7th of October in Israel and the subsequent major offensive by Israel. We would like to discuss the following topics together:

  • Reception of war narratives: How are the two major war narratives perceived and interpreted in Germany?
  • Abuse by fascist forces: How do fascist forces in Germany use the situation to fuel anti-Semitism and racism?
  • Solidarity and peace: In a field full of appropriation, propaganda and disinformation, we want to discuss ways in which solidarity for peace and against war can be practised.

This event offers a platform to shed light on different perspectives and to defend this discourse against anti-Semitism and racism in Germany. Our workshop promotes a critical examination of these dynamics and develops strategies for an emancipatory approach.

Guest speaker: Daniel Heiz has been a political educator since 2015 and has been working for the Anne Frank Educational Centre since 2019, where he works in youth and adult education on the topics of anti-Semitism and racism as well as right-wing and Islamist radicalisation. At the same time, Daniel is a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the University of Osnabrück at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies. His research focuses on labour migration to Germany. As an activist, Daniel is active in the post-east community on (anti-)imperialism in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Enrolment: The workshop is free of charge for students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. For binding registration please send an e-mail to: (participation is limited to 15 people)

The workshop is made possible by Prof. Dr. Frauke Hildebrandt (Department of Social and Educational Sciences) and an initiative of "FHP bekennt Farbe".


The workshop takes place as part of the Democracy Semester at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. FHP students and lecturers are shaping the summer semester 2024 together under the motto #Democracy! All members of the university are invited to actively engage with issues of democracy, diversity and openness in courses, events, research projects and workshops.

More information about the themed semester #Democracy!

Target audience: University members Public

15/06/2024, 10.00 am – 16/06/2024, 5.00 pm

The workshop will take place from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. The exact venue will be announced after registration.

Location: Campus