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    Name Info
    Dr. Thomas Stäcker
    Part-time Professor for Digital Humanities
    Profilfoto Susanne Stahl
    Professor for Editorial Design
    Prof. Dr. Dieter Stassen
    Professor for Private Building Law
    Prof. Dr. habil. Frank Peter Stephan
    Professor of Architectural Theory and History of Architectural Theory
    Academic staff member
    Corinna Stoll
    Programm Development and Study Organisation
    Vice Dean for Studies and Teaching at the Department of Information Sciences
    Member of the Faculty Council
    Member of the Examination Board
    Member of the Senate Commission for Studies and Teaching
    Project "RDMO"
    Prof. Silke Straub-Beutin
    Professor of Building Construction
    Student Advisor Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings (M. Eng.)
    Member of the Faculty Council
    Profilfoto Christiane Strauß
    Staff Member Coordination and Professionalisation of Study Programme Matters
    Internship Representative of the Department of Information Sciences
    Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Stromeyer
    Building commissioner
    Sabine Stropp
    Staff Member of the Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries
    Prof. Dr. Julia Maria Struß
    Professor for Applied Data Science
    Programme Director and Internship Officer in the Information and Data Management programme (BA)
    Prof. Dr. Marcus Stumpf
    Honorary Professor
    Administrator for Examination Service
    Part-time Professor for Digital Archiving
    Professor of Building Law and Planning Law
    Susanne Taege
    Staff member of the Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries
    Birgit Tamme, M.Sc.
    Academic Assistant for Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics
    Member of the Faculty Council
    Member of the Examination Board
    Representative for Refugees at the Civil Engineering Department
    Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anne Tauch
    Professor of Infrastructure Planning specialising in Geoinformation Systems
    Chairwoman of the Audit Committee
    Stephanie Teichler
    Coordination ZEW & Project Recognition and Crediting