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CANCELLED // Workshop: We live Democracy – Democracy Training with the Betzavta Method

#Democracy! Topic semester

Discover democracy through practical exercises and work together on the important issues of our time. Participants explore the challenges of democratic processes through experimental activities and reflections.

Betzavta is a method of democracy training from Israel. It means "together" and highlights the dilemmas that exist in a democracy: How can everyone have the same right to freedom? Democracy can be experienced through exercises and subsequent reflection.

This two-day event will focus on the major issues of democracy: How can we include every person? How can every person have the freedom they want? And who is "we" anyway?

The Betzavta exercises are often seen as "provocative" or "experimental". However, they are above all one thing: exercises in democracy. The group is responsible for what happens within the workshop – Will everyone co-operate? How will conflicts be resolved?

There is a lot of discussion in the workshop, so a good knowledge of German is a prerequisite for participation. With the theatre pedagogical background of the workshop leader Nicolai Raab, there will also be movement exercises to loosen things up so that the participants don't just sit and discuss. It will be an intensive weekend in which you will deal with democracy, yourselves and yourselves in a group.

The workshop leader Nicolai Raab is studying theatre and politics at the UdK Berlin to become a teacher. He is a trained theatre pedagogue with a focus on political education and a certified Betzavta multiplier.

Registration: The workshop is free of charge for members of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. For binding registration please send an e-mail to: (participation is limited to 12 people).

The workshop is supported by the AStA (student union) of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.


The workshop takes place as part of the Democracy Semester at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Students and lecturers at FHP are shaping the summer semester 2024 together under the motto #Democracy! All members of the university are invited to actively engage with issues of democracy, diversity and openness in courses, events, research projects and workshops.

More information about the themed semester #Democracy!

Target audience: University members

08/06/2024, 12.00 pm – 09/06/2024, 6.00 pm

We live democracy: Democracy training with the Betzavta method

In each case from 12 pm to 6 pm. The exact room information will be provided to participants after registration.

Location: Campus