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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

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Organisational unit
    Studierende vor dem Hauptgebäude der FH Potsdam im Sommer
    University policy

    Press release

    Around 1.78 Million Euros for Energy Resilience at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    - Dr. Manja Schüle, Minister of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK), hands over funding decision from the Brandenburg package totalling around EUR 1.78 million - University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) plans construction measures for sustainable energy efficiency Brandenburg's Minister of…

    Krippensituation, Kinder spielen mit Bausteinen

    Press release

    Strong for the Youngest: Scientific Conference "Protecting Children's Rights in Daycare Centres"

    For around 15 years, an increasing number of younger children have been spending more and more time in daycare centres. Crèches, daycare centres and childminders must be safe places where the rights of all children are protected, where they can experience self-determination and co-determination…

    Abstrakte Darstellung von Datenströmen

    Press release

    Standardising the Management of Research Data: Joint Project provides Impetus for Implementation

    Research projects generate large amounts of data – often in the form of tables, measurements and surveys. These are increasingly available in digital form and can be accessed by partners inside and outside the universities. In order to make the information findable and usable in the long term, TH…

    Logo of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents
    University policy

    Press release

    BLHP: Statement on the Events in Israel

    We are deeply saddened by Hamas' terrorist attacks on Israel and we expressly condemn them. We join the calls for dialogue between the parties to the conflict, for a rapid peace settlement and, in particular, for the protection of human lives. This latest conflict emphasises the urgency of finding…

    Die Fernweiterbildung Archiv präsentiert vier berufsbegleitende sowie berufsqualifizierende Weiterbildungsangebote für angehende Archivare und Archivarinnen auf der ARCHVISTICA 2023 in Bielefeld


    The Distance Learning Programme Archive and DDM presented themselves at ARCHIVISTICA and the German Archive Day in Bielefeld

    Over 100 table discussions and consultations were held over the three days, which led to follow-up enquiries from the specialist community within a very short space of time.

    Potsdam Lab in der Wissenschaftsetage im Bildungsforum Potsdam

    Press release

    Opening of POTSDAM LAB – A Space for the Future

    The POTSDAM LAB will open its doors on the 14th of October 2023. As part of the Smart City model project, the POTSDAM LAB has created a space for experimentation, learning and encounters between citizens, science and administration. The aim is to work together on new and creative solutions to key…

    Werbeflyer Weltmädchentag 2023

    Press release

    International Girls' Day at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    Wednesday, the 11th of October, is International World Girls' Day. As a global day of action, it gives girls a voice and makes their needs visible. World Girls' Day has existed since 2011 and calls for an international commitment to the rights of girls and young women. The University of Applied…

    Keyvisual Weiterbildungsmarkt 2023; Eine Gruppe von Personen sitzt mit Laptops um einen Tisch herum; über dem Bild liegt eine Grafik mit kleinen Quadraten in verschiedenen Blautönen und verschiedenen Transparenzstufen;  Text: "Weiterbildungsmarkt 2023 - Lebenslanges Lernen. Wie geht es weiter?"

    Press release

    Further Education Market 2023: Focus on Adult Education and Working Environments

    The Centre for Further and Continuing Education (ZEW) at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is organising the Continuing Education Market 2023 on the 21st of September. Under the motto "Lifelong Learning", the Continuing Education Market 2023 offers an innovative platform for discussions and…

    Fachtagung Kinderarmut

    Press release

    FRÖBEL Symposium on Dealing with Families affected by Poverty

    The nationwide FRÖBEL symposium took place today at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Lord Mayor Mike Schubert and FRÖBEL Managing Director Stefan Spieker opened the event.

    Poster zum Innovationstag

    Press release

    Innovation Day Road Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    Rainer Genilke, State Secretary for Infrastructure and State Planning of the State of Brandenburg, opened the Road Innovation Day at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam on Wednesday, the 6th of September 2023. New developments in road construction were presented under the motto…

    Studierende in Teamarbeit an einer Tafel
    Study & Teaching


    The Real Laboratory Gender in the Caucasus on an Excursion to Baku

    After familiarising ourselves with social work in Georgia during the political unrest in March, our final excursion took us to the very hot city of Baku. Together with our team colleagues from Georgia and Ukraine, we visited young social workers who are involved in civil society initiatives at great…

    Innenansicht der Halle der Präsenzstelle Luckenwalde; im Vordergrund Sitzmöglichkeiten; links im Bild Co-Working-Space

    Press release

    University Office Luckenwalde from Brandenburg is in the Final of the "Digital Landmarks in the Land of Ideas" Competition 2023

    The Luckenwalde office, sponsored by the universities TH Wildau and FH Potsdam and in cooperation with the city of Luckenwalde, is one of 15 finalists in this year's "Digital Places in the Land of Ideas" competition. The nationwide innovation competition honours outstanding digital solutions for…